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Realising Your Potential

Appropriate for all adults

We all have a unique story; a biography; the story of where we’ve come from, interruptions we have experienced, how we’ve got to where we are now, what has influenced us and what has shaped the course of our lives to date. This story determines how we relate with ourselves and with others.

Our greatest need as children and as adults, is to be loved unconditionally – to be seen for self and be free to express ourselves fully. However, in the face of conditional relating (abandonment, comparisons, physical and emotional neglect), we as children, developed unique and creative protective responses because we innately knew the dangers to being real and fully expressive of our true nature.

When given safe holding, we can begin to examine our story with compassion and identify our protectors, such as, anxiety, depression, passivity, aggression, stress. We come to realise how powerfully and creatively we have attempted to look after ourselves, even if in substitute protective ways.

Through this exploration, we discover the parts of ourselves that have remained hidden (unconsciously) and we find real ways of living our lives and make conscious choices and decisions for ourselves.

The Parent and Relationship Mentor will adapt this Course to the needs of an individual or group, facilitated as a four/eight-week Course or a one to two-hour talk on a key topic. This course can be facilitated as a half day or full-day workshop on central course themes.

Themes include:

  • Who am I and where I am now
  • Belonging to self
  • Feeling your way, thinking your way
  • Listening is the first act of communication
  • Communication is about getting through to self
  • Stress as an Ally